FLaSC-Fashion Spatial-Cognitive Language

Everything you want  know on the Fashion Language/Tutto quello che desiderate sapere sul Linguaggio della Moda 

In every age and in every part of the world the Clothing Lexicon is marked by a series of spatial indicators, and this factor evidences that the denominations and the word-design  of dresses and accessories , better than others, can show the  importance  that the spatial-cognitive knowledge assumes in the linguistic and conceptual configuration of the artifacts. The mistery is what are the rules that command this semantic field and how many are nowadays the spatial facets multiplied around our body and how many are those disappeared?  For answering to this kind of questions we have a lot of electronic resources and devices  that allow to collecte  millions of utterances, to analyse them for aimed researches  and specific comparisons, and last but not not least, to verify the relevance of the encyclopedic context, that situational and that  linguistic.

Grace to these tools, we have created a digital corpus of journalistic texts and we have collect a series of data by narrative texts, images, catalogues, etc. and you find here:

  1. The first step in FLaSCDic> the prototype of the first spatial-cognitive dictionary, with 300 verbs of this sector. 
  2. A  series of tematic items in which the fashion language is examined considering the interfaces with:

-narration space> a repositoty of the individual/collective  memory marked by a dress and not only those of the famous  writers or fashion designers, but also those the european speakers; the texts are classified as:: written texts (tales, poetry, articales, etc.), iconic texts (paintings, photos, etc) , verbal-iconic texts (advs, comics, etc.); audio-visual texts (tv programmes,  films, tv commercials, etc.); spoken and sung, twitted, etc. texts;

-geographical space> a map of the most typical accessories of the different italian regions and the european countries, with a series of links that allow a virtual visit of the fashion museums ; 

-activewear space > a historic  profiling of the sporty pieces of clothing;

-working clothes and political and social symbols > from the overalls to the white-collar, from the red shirts to those  green, black, rose, yellow, etc. 

The prototype of the FLaSCDic has been completed by Maria Catricalà in 2021.